We can activate the Master Code of Bliss through working with bliss hormone oxytocin. The Hypothalamus releases oxytocin, which ‘bonds’ all the rest of the systems in the body into one cohesive song. In our NATURAL STATE all the systems of the body work together in interactive harmony as per our divine blueprint of bliss.
By holding and using our consciousness and focus in special ways we can upgrade the whole body to vibrate on the master frequency of bliss. We can't change the outer world but we have FULL control over changing our inner world. We do this by using consciousness to get deeply intimate with our glands, the hormones they release and the sensations they cause. When we take control of what we are feeling internally its changes what we care projecting and manifesting in the outer world. So when we train ourselves to FEEL bliss, all aspects of our life aligns to the frequency of bliss.
When we learn the paradigms of 8 glands and organs within the body the help us take controlBliss Life. These are :
1) Hypothalamus- "the receiver of soul code" - this is where out higher self is most pure and we can tap into to know what we are here to do if we were fully on track with our super path. So, it will come as no surprise to you that is where Oxytocin the Bliss Hormone originates here.
2) Pineal Gland is the "master decoder". When we learn hoe to use it, it serves as a magnifying glass to our soul code and we can understand and decode what our higher self is communicating.
3) Medulla is the "master transmitter". When we use this body tool to its full potential it grounds the light of our soul code into the roots of our body with the help of the nervous system.
4) Thyroid gland is the "master communicator". When used properly it can enable us to communicate higher level ideas we receive from the higher self/soul code as well as help us become better more effective and loving communicators in general.
5) Thymus gland is the "master lover". When used correctly it can help ground us deeply in Self-love which can then overflow into our intimate love relationship. Until now the focus has been on a bond with your own divine self. This is the half way point and the place where we learn about connecting deeply with another.
6) The adrenals/solar plexus is the "empowered enabler". If we use this tools to its maximum potential, its instincts are to give us the single minded focus to create our "higher self bliss legacy" in the physical. It gives us the power to remove all the energetic leaks and weaknesses and develop an exceptional sense of self worth that enables us to create a "bliss centric" life.
7) Ovaries/prostate is the "good feelings, relaxation and fun" place. We often take life too seriously, especially when we feel called to a divine purpose. The code of bliss is childlike, playful and full of love and connection. These tools teach us how to have fun while we are creating, manifesting and becoming who we are. It turns up our magnetism, charisma and ease of interactions with other.
8) Anus is the "master manifestor". Its when our inner world truly meets the outer world. Our soul code has made an incredible journey, we have decoded it, honed it, re-fined it and now its ready to be birthing into the physical. Sexuality, Healthy and Creation are the gifts when we learn to activate this area to its full potential.
The way to activate the glands and their hormones have always been embedded in our ancient teachings of chakras, meridians and energy centers. However, the main focus of these systems have been interpreted as a means to transcend the physical and go to the spiritual. I feel that a deeper analysis reveals and suggests an alternative to traditional beliefs that we are "intentionally in the physical body". It is not by chance or mistake. We bring with us potent code and divine knowledge that is completely unique, for the purposes of changing, influencing and impacting the world AND for creating, playing and manifesting our divine powers into physical reality.
We we understand our creative role, we are able to quickly, delete and pure our mind body system of all self- defeating thoughts and beliefs and empower ourselves to launch our "bliss purpose".
By holding and using our consciousness and focus in special ways we can upgrade the whole body to vibrate on the master frequency of bliss. We can't change the outer world but we have FULL control over changing our inner world. We do this by using consciousness to get deeply intimate with our glands, the hormones they release and the sensations they cause. When we take control of what we are feeling internally its changes what we care projecting and manifesting in the outer world. So when we train ourselves to FEEL bliss, all aspects of our life aligns to the frequency of bliss.
When we learn the paradigms of 8 glands and organs within the body the help us take controlBliss Life. These are :
1) Hypothalamus- "the receiver of soul code" - this is where out higher self is most pure and we can tap into to know what we are here to do if we were fully on track with our super path. So, it will come as no surprise to you that is where Oxytocin the Bliss Hormone originates here.
2) Pineal Gland is the "master decoder". When we learn hoe to use it, it serves as a magnifying glass to our soul code and we can understand and decode what our higher self is communicating.
3) Medulla is the "master transmitter". When we use this body tool to its full potential it grounds the light of our soul code into the roots of our body with the help of the nervous system.
4) Thyroid gland is the "master communicator". When used properly it can enable us to communicate higher level ideas we receive from the higher self/soul code as well as help us become better more effective and loving communicators in general.
5) Thymus gland is the "master lover". When used correctly it can help ground us deeply in Self-love which can then overflow into our intimate love relationship. Until now the focus has been on a bond with your own divine self. This is the half way point and the place where we learn about connecting deeply with another.
6) The adrenals/solar plexus is the "empowered enabler". If we use this tools to its maximum potential, its instincts are to give us the single minded focus to create our "higher self bliss legacy" in the physical. It gives us the power to remove all the energetic leaks and weaknesses and develop an exceptional sense of self worth that enables us to create a "bliss centric" life.
7) Ovaries/prostate is the "good feelings, relaxation and fun" place. We often take life too seriously, especially when we feel called to a divine purpose. The code of bliss is childlike, playful and full of love and connection. These tools teach us how to have fun while we are creating, manifesting and becoming who we are. It turns up our magnetism, charisma and ease of interactions with other.
8) Anus is the "master manifestor". Its when our inner world truly meets the outer world. Our soul code has made an incredible journey, we have decoded it, honed it, re-fined it and now its ready to be birthing into the physical. Sexuality, Healthy and Creation are the gifts when we learn to activate this area to its full potential.
The way to activate the glands and their hormones have always been embedded in our ancient teachings of chakras, meridians and energy centers. However, the main focus of these systems have been interpreted as a means to transcend the physical and go to the spiritual. I feel that a deeper analysis reveals and suggests an alternative to traditional beliefs that we are "intentionally in the physical body". It is not by chance or mistake. We bring with us potent code and divine knowledge that is completely unique, for the purposes of changing, influencing and impacting the world AND for creating, playing and manifesting our divine powers into physical reality.
We we understand our creative role, we are able to quickly, delete and pure our mind body system of all self- defeating thoughts and beliefs and empower ourselves to launch our "bliss purpose".