![]() Anne Marie Splinter
The Netherlands In 1988, when I was a teenager, I stumbled upon the work of Joseph Campbell and was captivated by his phrase: 'Follow your bliss.' From that day on, Campbell became a teacher for me. I read all his work, watched most of his interviews and for the first time in my formative years, I felt that I was onto something vibrant, something with true meaning. However, coming from a traumatized family, following my bliss on a daily basis proved to be a hard thing to do. I encountered a lot of (inner) obligations, strict laws and limitations. Still, through the years I gained quite some knowledge of psychology, mythology and mysticism. And Campbells words were always whispering to me in the background, even at times when I was wallowing my soul in barbed wire: "follow your bliss Anne-Marie......" By the time it was 2012, I was a single mother and had done and experienced a lot. From working with dying people to being a waitress on a cruiseship, from being a personal assistant to a spiritual teacher to writing biographies. In 2012, I was working in a spiritual environment. For the outside world, I was doing very well. Giving workshops, talking about love and light and how great the new era of spiritual enlightenment was going to be, living as if it was already so. And it worked, as long as I kept my focus on my head and my words. As soon as I was paying attention to my belly, or, God forbid, my sexual organs, I felt bored to the bone, there was no sense of being alive, as if I wasn't made from flesh and blood. One evening, when I felt like Rapunzel again, trapped in the top floors of my own tower, I surfed the internet. Down and out, I typed 'bliss instinct" in the address bar of the world wide web, like a castaway throws a bottled message in the open sea...... I was startled when the address turned out to be inhabited! And not just by an average human being......The vibration that came to me just from seeing the homepage was lively and powerful. I cried with the recognition of my deepest longing. Without thinking twice, I filled in a request to have a free 15 minute session with Indra. I went to sleep feeling my life was about to open up. The next morning, my programmed mind was in full control again. Doubt settled in. I started to look at myself from the outside in: I should be happy where I was, I had already come a long way from my upbringing, I shouldn't push my luck......In short: I chickened out. And I wrote to Indra that I wasn't able to do the free session. I was sad writing that e-mail. But you see, I was so used to feeling pain and not being at ease, that it was familiar nourishment that didn't make me think twice. Lucky me: Indra wrote back that she had the feeling I should reconsider my decision. The moment I read her words, I started crying again, my longing came pouring out. We made an appointment and I spoke to her for 15 minutes on Skype. That night, I was oozing bliss. In my dreams, I saw Indra, warm and fierce like a royal lioness. A love that I had never known was flowing towards this magnificent being.The next morning, I subscribed to the lumen octave activation course. That was two years ago. It has been a bumpy ride to say the least. I even took a break from engaging actively in mastering the lumen octave, because so many stones were being turned so fast, my mind and body couldn't keep up. But at the end of the day, when I was quiet and true to myself, I could feel Indra's vibration calling me. It's a physical pull that surpasses everything else. It is said that everyone gets an inkling of what the theme of their life will be when they are young. When I was a girl, I loved reading fairy tales, they connected me to the reality of the soul. As I grew older, my love for fairy tales evolved in a love for myths and mythological themes. That is when I got to know the work of Joseph Campbell. In one of his books, I read the story about the lotus in the pond. I knew this story to be about me. It's an analogy, in which our souls are lotuses, some of us are open and in full bloom, others are still closed, deep in the muddy waters. I was like that, closed and in the bud, absorbed in self-doubt, studying everything, but not opening up. I've been searching half my life looking for a way to open up. It's not that you can decide that and it happens. Lord knows I tried that, and a lot of the spiritual teachings that are out there want to make you believe that it can be done with a decision. It didn't work that way for me. It's the radiance of Indra that permeates me to my core. It's the longing and the remembrance of who I am that is enfolding due to that radiance that is opening me up. It's pure alchemy. It's pure bliss. In recognizing my own divine dignity, I bow to Indra's. Thank you. I'm blessed. ![]() Nancy Ceillis,
Equador Love your before and after pics. I haven't taken many pictures of myself, but everyone I run into these days tells me how fabulous I look and I feel amazing. I've shed some weight and am just feeling beautiful - inside and out. Whenever I get out of sorts, I connect and vibrate to the right chord and I find myself more peaceful and at ease. I may even be falling in love with someone. So thank you. I plan on revisiting the activation and seeing what happens. I can't remember if I emailed you back after you sent me the link to your photos.. So I may be repeating myself... you are seriously stunning! You're lovely in every way, and I'm truly blessed and thankful to know you. Thank you for being you and everything you do. You help so many people... You change lives.. You're a gift. I wish I knew how to give back to you. So much love and respect! Nancy ![]() Anonymous
Thanks! I really appreciate all the help from you and the food recommendations. I've been in need of a change like this for a long time and that trip was the perfect opportunity for a jumping off point. I think more than anything it forced me to come to terms with my issues with alcohol and substance abuse. I am not sure if I had a serious addiction or not but, I was just habitually overindulging for no good reason and using alcohol as a crutch in my professional life while on tour. Getting cleaned up in those respects was a huge part of this and the diet has really helped balance that out. It's like I feel better all the time now because of the diet so it's all the more reason to not drink and feel lousy the next morning. I'm going on tour for the next year so I'm trying to come up with a sustainable meal system that will get me through the times when I don't have access to healthy foods. ![]() Sarvesh Jasuja, Sound & Media Expert
Melbourne, Australia When beginning a journey like this, there are some questions that spring to everyone’s mind - is this real? Will it be worth it? I have known Indra for a long time so these questions never even crossed my thoughts; I wondered instead how much of an impact could this course possibly have on my life. What could I possibly get out of it? Will it lead to lasting transformations? To be perfectly honest, this is one of the best things I have done for myself. Ever since the first class I had something so exciting to look forward to, and that in itself was a great feeling - to know that I have something incredibly powerful to learn and feel every week. I feel like I have accelerated my personal evolution and learning in a very short time. The transition from believing to knowing and from knowing to living is very subtle, but so liberating! I have much more courage and confidence to be able to do what I really want in most situations. It is so much easier to tap into my own inner resources. The changes in myself and in my life; how I naturally react to and deal with situations now is evident not only to me but to all others around me. It is so much easier to be able to identify the drama or theatre that we create and live due to inner inadequacies and not get caught up in it so readily anymore. The best part is that I did not have to practice a trick or self-help rules; the change is from within. I highly recommend this course to everyone. ![]() Joan Armstong, Manager
Austin, TX, United States Listening to the audio of the course was extremely helpful - thank you! It helped me to really name the issues that have come by last week, and the experiences I had as a child. It finally has gotten the right perspective. And now I can feel the pain of not being aligned with my sexuality, I can feel the pain of never having connected to the abundance, always living on the verge of falling of this Earth (that's how it feels....) Your honesty and sharing of your experience was a guideline too. I can tell you my ambition now. I want to be completely in touch with my sexuality, aligned in a proper way, and I want to enjoy living on this Earth to the fullest Look forward to next week J ![]() Tara Summer, LumenOctave Master® at Sansekompasset
Copenhagen, Denmark, www.sansekompasset.dk When I started the LumenOctave® Activation Course, I had no idea where it would take me; however, what I did know is this: it has been the most auspicious, wonderful and rewarding game-changer of my life. I have gained access to forgotten knowledge within my self which allows me to navigate towards more joy, more peace, more wonders - more bliss - than I ever thought possible. To that amazing, secret place. And that was really all I needed to know. It manifested in abundance in my life, great opportunities and ditto rewards. With Indra as my guide and teacher throughout the whole experience, I came to discover what a Goddess truly is. With humor, wisdom, power and love, she kindly shares her knowledge in a way that keeps me wanting more. Not only because she always leaves my feeling curious about what else I can do and see, but also – and primarily – because her teachings leave me feeling great. I recommend this course to anyone who is curious about discovering great wonders and making the most out of life… Indra, I send you many blessing and humble thanks, Tara ![]() Joshua Edel, Spiritual Enthusiast
Calgary, AB, Canada Indra, I saw you this morning and you were so beautiful. Your presence amongst the masses is peaceful, beauty in its silence so strong. It is palpable in the ensuring distraction of this illusion of the world around us. You change the world around you. Thank you for reminding me of you today. And from the moments that I connected with you, I always feel that same energy, that lift of beauty and LOVE within. Namaste ![]() |
![]() Julie Lynn Mortensen, Actress
Calgary, AB, Canada A letter to a friend: "I really think you should take the course. It's not like me to say something like that. Truly, I believe you know what's best for you and I will whole-heartedly respect any choice you make, but I want to share more of my experience. Indra attracts people who have very strong souls and have already done a great deal of work to connect with them. Her power is advanced, and for me it has been the gateway to TOTAL FREEDOM, to the effortless realization of all my big beautiful dreams. When I met her I had been on a 2-year spiritual journey starting from a complete crisis-state and 'quitting' of everything, to an awakening in India, to continued devotion to yogic science, to work with another really enlightened healer. There is something Indra offers that is unique in this world, and that is her ability to guide you to being awake in the world to integrate the shining light of your soul into every cell of your body. - And then just watch as the magic unfolds all around you, inspired by the deep physiological changes she is activating within. She truly changes everything. She reactivates your connection to your true self on an atomic level. She dismantles all your obstructive egoic programming. She heals you on a level so deep there is NO GOING BACK. Your entire experience of the world alters. And then she teaches you how to do all of that for yourself and others all by yourself. Chakras are only the very tip of her iceberg. They are just her way in. The difference between that learning and the course is like the difference between reading the sports section of a newspaper and getting box tickets to an NFL game! My centers are so activated, resonating so strongly, that I feel like a walking rainbow, and the world treats me like one. It's heavenly. All my dreams, all my aspirations only come from a place of wanting to share this light and love with as many people as possible as soon as possible. When I met Indra I was crashing with my 'rents in Calgary, awaiting clear direction. Months later my journey with her had taken me right back to the work I loved the most and chosen to quit - acting. Except now I found myself as the lead in a feature film. Now I'm hanging in NYC with my publicist discussing next steps. And truly I don't give a thought about any of that on a status level, because I know that it is all just steps towards an even bigger purpose, an expansion of freedom and widening of my circle of influence so that in this critical year to come I can channel as much light and love on to this planet as humanly possible. We are here for a big reason, a huge mammoth purpose, and I would love to have you fully and completely along for the ride. Love, Jules" ![]() Bastian Overgaard, Life Coach & Author
Copenhagen, Denmark, www.foolyourselfhappy.com After following the LumenOctave Activation Course, I've experienced life-transforming events taking place all around me. I think it's impossible not to challenge old programs and make big changes in your life after getting an understanding of The Bliss Instinct. I want to thank Indra Mona for sharing her knowledge about the pitfalls of our Ego and her constant focus on eliminating bullshit in our lives. I've still got quite some inner work before I even get close to the magic powers Mona possesses, but I'm on my way thanks to the course. Furthermore, Mona is a great communicator. I love listening to her words for as long as I can during the classes - it's not uncommon to find yourself waking up from a blissful trancelike state :) ![]() Rama Iyer, Healer
New Jersey, United States Indra is one of the pillars of Power, Goddess Beauty, Love, Joy, and Harmony on this planet. She is working constantly to bring Peace, Beauty, and Joy into this world! Her healing works go far beyond just her sessions, and she draws upon daily experiences for her personal client sessions. When you interact with Mona you will see she is as a Ray of Light from the Central Sun of Creation manifest on this Planet Earth. Having known and interacted with Indra for several years I can assure you that you will never meet anyone else like her :). She has a combination of humor, friendliness, loving motherly energy, and warrior strength that makes her one of the only empowered Goddesses on the entire planet, and an amazing healer! Whatever your goals are, and current life experiences, Indra will be able to offer you suggestions, guidance, and healing energies in a way that will feel both extremely powerful and extremely friendly and supportive. To interact with her is to feel that you are warmly nestled in the arms of a very gentle and very, very powerful Mothering Sun, and you know she will guide you to your dreams and goals. Victory to You Indra! Rama ![]() Anonymous
Copenhagen, Denmark I've suffered from bad circulation, particularly in my legs, all my life. It caused my legs to swell and hurt – almost as though my skin was too small. I tried everything; herbs, massages, lymphatic drainage, lotions, oils, acupuncture, reflexology… you name it. Every time I was hoping it would work; that my money wouldn't go to waste. The thought of being pain-free makes you want to try everything there is, regardless the cost… until you eventually give up hope. I met Indra on a trip to New York. Through healing – both when I was in the city and after I left - she was able to do what I had come to think would be impossible. My legs no longer hurt. My jeans don't feel uncomfortable or too tight after a long day at work and I'm no longer feeling self-conscious about wearing short skirts. I still can't quite believe it's real :) Thank you Indra! ![]() Anonymous
Copenhagen, Denmark For the longest time I wanted change in my life, but didn't really make it happen. I guess I didn't have the courage to listen to my dreams – to just go for it and be true to my heart. Then I started my healing process, which gave me – and still gives me – an entirely new sense of awareness, strength, faith and guts to do what makes me happy… regardless of what others might think. I have finally managed to rid my self of fear and live freely.. I don't think I've ever been this profoundly happy. ![]() Chris, Business Owner
New York, NY, USA I saw Indra three years ago when both my personal and professional life had hit rock bottom. I saw changes in both quickly after my session. It's been good so far, and things improved from my side, and business is doing good. Thanks for all your help and advice again. ![]() Stacy Heff, Financial Analyst
New York, NY, USA Indra really helped me to find new dimensions to my life and I would highly recommend her to those looking for a new way to find well being and vitality. Thank you so much Indra - my life wouldn't be the same without you! ![]() Despina Gurlides, Author,
Tampa, FL, United States Dear friends, Indra, an extraordinary healer whose book I am editing, is offering a free 15-minute healing session (over the phone or Skype as she is in Hawaii). As you know, I've been going through some very challenging times. I had a session with her yesterday and she was spot on. My energy has already shifted, and believe me, it was very dark. I really appreciated that she didn't offer me any of the trite spiritual platitudes that would not have helped me at all. Instead she offered clear, practical advice and an energy healing that removed at least one layer of the darkness. I highly recommend your contacting her for a session Love, Despina ![]() Stephanie, Flight Attendant & Super Mom,
Edmonton, AB, Canada Hello Indra, Just finished reading your incredible email:) Made me very happy. Yes this is a very powerful time for us all!! I'm really focusing my energy on "my growth process" I feel much more at ease and I'm so grateful to be able to have these opportunities towards true "wholeness and true growth". Thank you so much for your loving kindness, and for taking excellent care of me!! Look forward to connecting with you again.. Happy Happy New year With love, S PS I can't believe you're so young yet have so much wisdom. Thank you again! ![]() Anonymous
Calgary, AB, Canada Ever since my session with Indra I feel as though: My heart is swollen with light and love as a ballerina choreographs creativity upon my instincts protected by a fierce, fearless amazon warrior nesting in my solar plexus fueled by a perpetual source of invigorating, restorative energy. I'm so very grateful! |